The digital signature or electronic signature is a file that contains data that determines the identity of a person, allowing that person to carry out several procedures in a remote, safe and simple way.
Any digital document with this signature will have the same legal value as if it were signed by hand; it will be non-transferable and will have the highest security standards.
There are many ways to sign digital transactions, each with a different level of legal validity and evidentiary value. The three types of electronic signature are:
● Simple or basic electronic signature (SES)
● Advanced electronic signature (AES)
● Qualified electronic signature (QES)
A digital signature consists of a cryptographic mechanism, i.e., an encryption and decryption technique where the content of the document will always be locked and protected. Electronic signature is a legal concept, defined in a regulatory framework that gives it legal validity. Another difference is the purpose: an electronic signature is used to attest the consent of the holder in an electronic document, whereas a digital signature is used to encrypt the data so that the electronic signature complies with the established requirements and provides all the guarantees.